Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dragonfyre (2013)

I'm just going provide this thing's Netflix description: "A reluctant ex-solider is drawn into a war between orcs and dragons in order to save a beautiful princess on his remote ranch in the American West."

Go on. Say it aloud. Let it sink into your mind a bit. Done? Good.

Now, if you have any opinion other than "that's the best sentence I've heard since the Netflix description for the Chuck Norris magnum opus that is The Octagon," you are wrong.

Sadly there is only one dragon

Solarbabies (1986)

Today on Movie Russian Roulette, Alex has traumatic flashbacks to Tank Girl.
Spoiler: none of these people

Overview: The Goonies, but apocalyptic and bad.That's it, I'm done. Go home. No Cage for you this time.