Friday, July 24, 2015

Dhoom: 3 (2013)

Today on Movie Russian Roulette, Alex takes a look at how Bollywood makes their big-budget action movies. He is simultaneously impressed and horrified. This is Dhoom: 3. And its trailer is almost better than the movie.
Not to be confused with Doom.
Overview: The third installment of what is apparently a big blockbuster series on the subcontinent, Dhoom: 3 takes viewers to the gritty streets of Chicago, where the son of a circus-running immigrant is bent on having his revenge on the "corrupt" (more on that later) bank that forced his father into suicide. Action scenes ensue.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

God's Not Dead (2014)

Today on Movie Russian Roulette, Alex gets angrier about a movie than he's ever gotten in his entire life. This is God's Not Dead.

believing is good, right?
I'm bringing a lot of baggage and personal bias into this one. I'm not going into this intending to trash religion, but goddamn if this movie doesn't make it tempting and easy.

Overview: A college freshman takes an intro-level Philosophy course form the infamous Professor Radisson, an atheist, who opens the first session of class by requesting everyone sign a statement stating God is dead in order to move on to more important issues.